From crush to commitment:
Using data to nurture real customer relationships
We all want to feel special. We all want to feel seen. We all want to feel understood. And our customers are no exception.
The relationship between shoppers and retailers has transformed. Loyalty is no longer about rewards programs and discounts; it’s about building relationships that reflect real-world needs and individual wants. The key to this very human desire for connection lies in data. By harnessing and connecting customer insights, retailers can deliver meaningful experiences that spark lasting loyalty.
Organizations are waking up to this increasingly personalized future. Nearly 80% of companies plan to revamp loyalty programs in the next three years, according to a survey by Antavo, a loyalty technology provider. But are they focusing their efforts in the right places?
Many retailers are sitting on a gold mine of unloved and underutilized customer data. You can have a great product and provide a great service, but without deep data insights, your efforts to build lasting loyalty are likely to fall flat.
Data is already powering customer loyalty. Retailers who recognize this and embed a strong data foundation into their broader strategy are likely to succeed even in the most competitive marketplaces.