When we think about Agile transformation - the move toward leaner, more nimble ways of working within an organisation - the focus is often on process and people. For many of the organisations we work for, though, there is an increasing realisation that place also plays a critical part in enabling greater agility.
It's a daunting task, though, to not only have to radically rethink ways of working but also the spaces you actually work in. The mistake often lies in the assumption that you can simply throw in some whiteboards, give a team some collaborative space and then watch agility happen - until, of course, it doesn't. It's the same mistake we see people make when they start 'going Agile' by using Scrum without any real insight into the 12 Principles of Agile.
With these questions of optimum space in mind, many of our clients have turned their gaze to the way the teams work here at Kin + Carta and begun to ask us what makes our workspace so successful in supporting our product teams.
It's a valid question. Search the internet, and there are innumerable articles about what such workspaces should and should not include. At Kin + Carta, we don't adhere to a lot of these guidelines, and yet here we are - a highly successful Agile organisation in a new, recently fitted-out HQ.
In this post, rather than list out the dos and don'ts of Agile space model, or the number of whiteboards you need per size of team, I wanted to instead share some of the simple beliefs that underpin our idea of a great workspace. At their core, these beliefs are grounded in the principles of Agile and they represent not the rules or tools to create an agile environment but rather the different mindset you need to make it a reality.