I decided to join Kin + Carta before ever setting foot in Chicago, let alone a Kin + Carta office.
For me, a visit wasn’t necessary because I’d already fallen in love with the Kin + Carta culture from afar. Through both my phone and video interviews, what stood out to me was how genuine and consistent each Kin + Carta person described the leadership, culture, and community.
Community and teamwork are big at Kin + Carta. There is a community for everything — cooking, board games, golf, philanthropy, bees (long story), and everything in between. The community I became the most involved in is our Impact Program, specifically the work we’re doing in Nairobi, Kenya.
The Impact Program provides employees an annual opportunity to deliver on inspiring projects outside our usual client work. Each year, Kin + Carta selects two Nairobi-based companies that:
a) Believe digital is imperative to their business outcomes.
b) Are making a positive social impact in their community.
Once aligned on a problem to solve we form two agile teams and commit to remote work with the companies selected, as well as two weeks on the ground.
While the program has evolved year over year (and will continue to do so), our days on the ground have been a consistent and chaotic blend of teaching, discovering, and bonding. Check out a typical day for me in Nairobi: