Kin + Carta Kosovo culture book
For over 14 years, Kin + Carta Kosovo didn't have an employee handbook. In those years, when a new person joined the company, they more or less had to figure out things for themselves.
But when the company started to grow from 10 to 20, 30, 40, etc... our flexible style of introduction seemed to be not working anymore. New hires felt a bit lost during the first days, despite having a very warm and welcoming team. They had to navigate somewhat randomly and most of the process was oral. With every day that we grew, that didn't feel right.
So, this is where the Kin + Carta Kosovo (formally Frakton) Culture Book comes in. A book, as we like to call it, that shares the story about our culture, our process and our history.It's a guide to understand us, to understand what drives us, what pushes us, when it's okay to take your vacation, whom you should talk to for equipment... and everything else in between.