Kin + Carta’s Luminaries series is all about getting inside the minds of the individuals who have the greatest impact for the digital transformation in financial services. The knowledge and insights they have to share can help empower the rest of us in the industry to learn and grow.
So, without further ado, let’s jump into the third installment of the series with Raj Iyer, a digital platform strategist at BNY Mellon.
I always relish the opportunity to interview someone like Raj. His perspective goes beyond just individual digital products — instead, he’s more focused on the ecosystem those products live in.
As the industry moves away from siloed business units and digital products, it’s refreshing to hear Raj talk about the changes needed to transform from product-centric ways of working to a customer-centric mindset. At the end of our talk, I realized Raj brought to surface one of our most fundamental beliefs at Kin + Carta: the digital transformation journey takes time, and it’s all about making people feel comfortable with change and accepting of failures — because at the end of the day, that’s where real growth, learning, and transformation can happen.