The most successful organisations are designing, building and implementing software to connect all aspects of their operations through a process called digital transformation. By doing so, they are able to create the capabilities necessary to outperform their competitors and disrupt highly competitive industries.
We call them Connected Organisations.
Our recent white paper explores what makes an organisation truly connected and how businesses today can accelerate their journey towards becoming a more connected organisation. We set out to identify some of the opportunities and challenges associated with enabling in organisations to take advantage of the glut of new mobile, cloud, data and machine learning technologies.
While our paper is based on hard earned experience working on digital transformation with our clients - including TfL, Unilever and Dunnhumby - it is mostly an invitation to explore and discuss these issues further, with those who are trying to solve them in the here and now. Are we right about the digital technology opportunities in organisations? How can we better grasp them in the context of employees, incentives, structures and behaviours we see in organisations today?